Search for all in season missing episodes

I’m dealing with Breaking Bad - Season 2. “Search for All Episodes in Season” pulls four episodes - 1, 2, 10, and 11. However, going into each remaining episode individually and performing an automatic search finds good episodes that fit the quality profile. I’m curious as to why these aren’t picked up in the season search.

The episodes found in the season search appear to be from the same releaser, and of the same size. The ones found in the individual automatic searches appear to be from different releasers and of different sizes (all of which are within the expected range for the 720p BluRay quality they’re set to).

Edit: If it makes a difference, I’m upgrading each episode from SD, which I already have, to 720p. None of these is an episode I did not already have.

One other thing: I’ve kinda posted a flurry of issues on the board and haven’t thanked you for the great program. I must appear to be a huge ingrate. Thank you very much for this great little program — it really is quite fantastic.

Are all the episodes monitored in NzbDrone? (bookmark icon is black)

Tough to say why it wouldn’t find them, you would have to enable Trace logging and then check the log file to see.

Yes, all episodes are monitored. I’ll trace log another season and report the results.