Search doesnt actually search

Sonarr version
OS Windows 10:

I have three Indexer’s at all test OK. (they are all NZB indexers).

All are set to
“Will be used for automatic searches are performed by the UI or by Sonarr”
“Will be used when interactive search is used”

Automatic search take less than 1 second on 3 indexers and doesnt find what I know is there.
I note RSS syncing is working fine

Log file -

According to the logs you have the series type set to anime, for a series that is almost certainly not anime and likely no anime categories set for your indexers since no actual search is executed.


Thank you so much for coming back to me. I have absolutely no idea when or more importantly how a series type gets changed to Anime. Is that something I can do through the interface?

In the mean time, I have worked out (thanks to your post), that if I delete the series and re-add it, then all goes well for that series. I guess that means I am going to have to delete my 80+ series and re-add them all :frowning:

It’s an option when the series is added as well as when you edit the series.

Use Mass Editor instead of removing and re-adding them all…

Mass editor - yeah will try this out

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