I keep receiving this error message when I try to access drone.
A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.
Script: http://192.168.0.xxx:8989/app.js?v=
Any ideas?
Firefox I assume? Do you get it if you try to go to a page other than the series list?
yes, firefox and no, only on the series page.
Does it load if you press continue? Not seeing any issues in Chrome, seems to be worse in latest version of FF. You could extend the timeout: http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/warning-unresponsive-script#w_letting-the-script-run-longer
We’ll see what we can do, but in Chrome it loads and is fine, in FF on the same page I see it load, then hang then work fine.
It does allow me to continue. However, I am on FF v.25 and have stopped updates because newer versions don’t allow nzbStatus FF extension to work.
My point is that I didn’t have this problem 2 days ago. It only started showing up when I posted here. It could be, and I am just assuming here, that it is the latest develop version of drone.
I don’t see the popup on latest develop, just some hanging (a lot of the reason I left FF). Reverting the changes that might cause the slow down on loading the main page I don’t see it improve either.
I’ll see what I can find though.
Could you try downloading: http://update.nzbdrone.com/v2/develop/NzbDrone.develop. and downgrading to it to see if the load issues persist?
You will need to stop drone, extract the new files over the existing and restart drone.
okay, I will give it a shot and get back to you.
I followed your instructions and it still says:
NzbDrone Ver.
Did you force refresh the page? If it’s still coming back with the same number it hasn’t been downgraded properly.
Well, I did what you said but I will try again. I also forced a refresh.
I tried again and again, but it still says the latest version. I also installed the latest version on another PC, downgraded and it also says 1121 on that machine.
Are you sure the files in that folder are older? I noticed that the date of the nzbdrone.exe file is newer in the 1119 folder, which is 2/7/2014 and in my 1121 install the nzbdrone.exe file is dated 2/5/2014. Not sure if that matters. was built on the 8th. 1119 is from the 7th. Either way the version in the UI would change.
Do this, stop drone. Unzip 1119 in a new location, run either NzbDrone.exe or NzbDrone.Conole.exe and it will still use the same DB, if you still see 1121 clear your cache/check another browser.
I did that and it worked, but if I try to run drone as a service, it then shows 1121 as the version.
Anyway, I ran the NzbDrone.Conole.exe and the script error is no longer there under 1119.
Alright, made some changes, seeing less freezing on my end, can you give 1125 a shot (update from System - Update).
ok, cool. Thanks.
Update: This version works great. Thank you very much.