Scene number not working

I’m running Sonarr with BTN configured as my indexer.

I’m trying to test scene numbering and it’s not working how I would expect. I’m testing with Pretty Little Liars.

When I hover over episode 23, for example, you can see that it correctly identifies it as scene episode 22.

However, when I click manual search on episode 23 it displays episodes marked 23 instead of what I would expect, episode 22.

I have manually run the task Update Scene Info and manually refreshed the series. Here is a log of the manual search:

@Taloth is this possibly due to how BTN handles searching?

I actually explicitly search for tvdb numbering coz that’s their primary numbering, but we know btn uses a mixed approach, some stuff is numbered by tvdb others by scene. Could search for both…

They number their releases to whatevery they prefer, but have strict rules about not renaming the actual files. So when I search for E23, we would ‘usually’ get back E22 on that call.
Could do a filename/releasename wildcard search but that’s ugly.

What source said that BTNs primary numbering is TVDB? I haven’t heard that before and would like to read more. From what I’ve seen personally their numbering matches scene.

So episode 25 of Pretty Little Liars aired tonight and Sonarr successfully grabbed the torrent numbered E24 and imported it and renamed it as E25, just how I would expect it to work.

I tried to manual search for episode 25 after that and it says no results found. So it is working for the RSS feed, but not the manual searches it looks like.