Scene mapping problem?

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): 4.2.2
OS: Synology DSM 6.0.2-8451
((Debug logs)):
Description of issue:
I have added a series called The Clangers, which was originally broadcast as two seasons in 1969. It has recently been remade; the scene calls this The Clangers (2015) but TheTVDB is calling this season 3. I am using a newznab provider who also sees this as Season 3; there is only one episode explicitly against S03 in their formal categorisation but the 2015 episodes are all available via a search.

I can see that a scene mapping has been added:

{“title”:“The Clangers 2015”,“searchTitle”:“The Clangers 2015”,“season”:3,“sceneSeasonNumber”:1,“tvdbId”:79166},
{“title”:“The Clangers 2016”,“searchTitle”:“The Clangers 2016”,“season”:3,“sceneSeasonNumber”:1,“tvdbId”:79166}

Despite this, Sonarr is finding only the one episode that is marked as S03. I can see that Sonarr is searching for Clangers, Clangers 2015 and Clangers 2016 but it is only using The TVDB season number (3).

If I manually run the request made in the log:,5040&extended=1&apikey=(removed)&offset=0&limit=100&q=Clangers%202015&season=3&ep=52

This returns zero results as expected. Changing this to:,5040&extended=1&apikey=(removed)&offset=0&limit=100&q=Clangers%202015&season=1&ep=52

…and I see the results I need.

How do I resolve this issue? Is it a fault with the way that Sonarr is processing the scene mapping?

It’s because they reset the season number but the series is the same with a new name. Sonarr can’t search for episodes in series that do this at this time, but Sonarr can pull them off the RSS feed (for new releases).

Oh so this mapping is only used for RSS? Could I suggest that the same season mapping - “season”:3,“sceneSeasonNumber”:1 - is also used for searching? Would this be something that’s worth adding to the feature requests?

It’s due to the complication of the mapping due to the resetting season number, typically they couldn’t be handled to to that complication ( can’t support them at all).

Adding searching for this scenario is a considerably undertaking that requires a lot of changes.

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