Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): 4.2.2
OS: Synology DSM 6.0.2-8451
((Debug logs)):
Description of issue:
I have added a series called The Clangers, which was originally broadcast as two seasons in 1969. It has recently been remade; the scene calls this The Clangers (2015) but TheTVDB is calling this season 3. I am using a newznab provider who also sees this as Season 3; there is only one episode explicitly against S03 in their formal categorisation but the 2015 episodes are all available via a search.
I can see that a scene mapping has been added:
{“title”:“The Clangers 2015”,“searchTitle”:“The Clangers 2015”,“season”:3,“sceneSeasonNumber”:1,“tvdbId”:79166},
{“title”:“The Clangers 2016”,“searchTitle”:“The Clangers 2016”,“season”:3,“sceneSeasonNumber”:1,“tvdbId”:79166}
Despite this, Sonarr is finding only the one episode that is marked as S03. I can see that Sonarr is searching for Clangers, Clangers 2015 and Clangers 2016 but it is only using The TVDB season number (3).
If I manually run the request made in the log:
This returns zero results as expected. Changing this to:
…and I see the results I need.
How do I resolve this issue? Is it a fault with the way that Sonarr is processing the scene mapping?