Scene mapping conflict for Haikyu anime

Sonarr version (exact version): by []
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Docker (image from
Debug logs:
Description of issue:
Hi, kind of new here :slight_smile:
I have troubles with animĂ© Haikyu, for which Sonarr tells me the alternative title is “Haikyu!! - L’asso del volley”. Which is wrong (for non italian people :wink: )
I found in the sticked thread “Scene Naming (TVDB Naming Conflicts)” a request about that, line 5152 of the Google Sheet document, which has been “Added” in 2022. I think this request is wrong, a proper alternate title should have been “Haikyuu” (with the second [u]). Thing is, this has already been asked before (lines 1334 and 1406 of the document, both in 2020) but flagged as Anime, which is perfectly normal due to the rules mentionned in the form (it says “don’t add anime, use TheXEM for that”). So I think the last request should not have been added (the one lin 5152 with italian title).
Is it possible to cancel it maybe?