SABnzbd seems to report wrong downloads


the integration of SABnzbd and Sonarr seams broken (at least at my place). What I see is something like this:

15-4-12 22:51:25.5|Error|ImportDecisionMaker|Couldn’t import file. /home/jpk/downloads/complete/nzbdrone/XYZ_S01E01_1080p_WEBRip_x264-2HD

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: File doesn’t exist: /home/jpk/downloads/complete/nzbdrone/XYZ_S01E01_1080p_WEBRip_x264-2HD
at NzbDrone.Common.Disk.DiskProviderBase.GetFileSize (System.String path) [0x00000] in :0
at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeImport.ImportDecisionMaker.GetDecision (System.String file, NzbDrone.Core.Tv.Series series, NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model.ParsedEpisodeInfo folderInfo, Boolean sceneSource, Boolean shouldUseFolderName) [0x00000] in :0

No wonder it does not exist. It is a directory. I can easily cd into that directory and will find something like XYZ_S01E01_1080p_WEBRip_x264-2HD.mp4 in it. If the Drone Factory Interval is reached everything is found and sorted.

This worked a few weeks ago and suddenly stopped with an update (not sure if it was sabnzbd or sonarr being updated that broke this here).

Any idea?


Sonarr doesn’t have access to that directory (permissions issue), it falls back to treating it as a file if it can’t access the directory.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Never thought about this since in my install the download directory is in the home directory of the sabnzbd user and linked to a nas. And while SABnzbd and sonarr both have perfect access to the nas, SABnzbd reports back file names based on the path with the home-dir to which sonarr obviously does not have rights. The drone factory dir however is pointing to the nas directly explaining why this worked.

Is there some sort of “access denied” logging that I missed? I love the automatism but in this case an error message might have cleared my brain a bit earlier! :smile:

Thanks though for your great support. Will see if things are sorted out now on the next download.

Its just a bad log message that we’ll need to fix.