Running with mono-service and/or systemd

I’m always looking to keep my system as “standard” as possible.

I have successfully run Media Browser using mono-service and I expect that nbzdrone should similarly run with no problems.

What I’d like is a systemd config file to run nbzdrone as a service. Is there someone who knows how to create systemd configuration files and has the time to help me with pointers on creating, deploying and running nbzdrone with a systemd config file, I will think good thoughts about your karma :wink:

I have updated the .bash_profile of the user I expect to be running all mono based services to include the pakorra/opensuse repository delivered mono 3.4 runtime required environment variables

My server is running Amahi Home Server on Fedora 19

Arch User Respository to the rescue!


ExecStart=/usr/bin/nzbdrone -nobrowser -data=/var/lib/nzbdrone


Depending on how it installs on your system, you may need to change the ExecStart line.