rTorrent torrent added as "Stopped" while not enabled on Sonarr config

Sonarr Ver: .
** Mono Version **:
Debug logs: http://txt.do/1abf5
report logs case 2 : http://txt.do/1abp5
Debug logs case 2 : http://txt.do/1abp1
Check the final part with addition of Counterpart s01x03

Description of issue: Sonarr well searches for torrents and then adding them to my download client which is rTorrent but the torrent is added as “stopped” while this option is well disabled on the download client settings.

EDIT : also just noticed that the path todownload is not the one Sonarr should be using, currently sent to default path from rTorrent.

EDIT 2 : adding debug log, not sure that’s what you guys need, please specify if you need anything else. And added report and debug logs for a new case to make it clearer I hope :slight_smile:

EDIT 3: when the torrent is added to my download client (rTorrent) here is the message I get on ruTorrent “Command on torrent creation failed: Junk at end of input.”

After searching for the rTorrent status on google, seems like the issue is caused by the category label. Found another topic where the person claimed having the same issue and was solved after renaming the category label. However for me updating this category does not resolve the issue…For example my current category label is set to “sonarr” and when torrent is added to rTorrent it’s added into “no label” section.

Don’t know what to do…anyone can help ?

Thanks !

Based on the logs it looks like Sonarr is sending the correct command (raw_start) and it’s not getting an error back from rTorrent.

It could be something else other than the category that rtorrent doesn’t like, such as directory, but beyond that I’m not sure what else to try.

Don’t know what to do…also using Radarr for movies and it works perfectly, reproduced the same settings, only the dowload path is different, I’ll maybe try that

Ok that was that ! Sonarr does not allow special characters or spaces in the dowload path, as my name was in French this is what caused the issue because of an accent !

problem solved !

That sounds like rtorrent doesn’t like it being send over the API and it fails when Sonarr sends it, but glad to hear you sorted it out.

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