**Trying to add a new upcoming series called Coyote. I normally would go to D:\MEDIA\TV Shows-Chris and then create a folder called Coyote (2020). This works 99% of the time, however every once in awhile, I run into an instance like this where no matter where I try to put the series, I continually get the error “Root folder path contains series folder”. I’ve gone into SETTINGS–>MEDIA MANAGEMENT and when I scroll to the bottom, it appears to create the desired root folder that it just told me it couldn’t create, but the series isn’t added. So I delete that root folder in the settings, try again, and again, it gives me the above error, and yet creates the root folder in the MEDIA MANAGEMENT settings. Has anyone seen this before? Thanks so much for your help! **:
You create these folders by hand? If so: that shouldn’t be required.
What does your settings > media management > root folders list look like?
Typical users should only have a single folder there, e.g. D:\Media\TV\ or something. NOT a list of paths like D:\Media\TV\Coyote (2020)\.
Sonarr will manage the creation of series and season folders underneath the root folder. So when adding new series, just tell sonarr to use the root folder (D:\Media\TV\) and it will handle the rest.
Thanks Thirrian. You’re right, as a result of me always creating them first, my root folders under media management are indeed a list for every show that looks like:
And when Sonarr adds the series, it creates a subfolder under each of these with the series name…I’ll start adding all shows to D:\MEDIA\TV Shows-Chris in the future. In the meantime though, I can’t get Coyote to add the series no matter which folder I specify to add it. Keeps giving the above error. The last time I experienced this, I ended up specifying D:\MEDIA for the location and it worked…not working for this one however. Not sure what’s going on.
I think that will resolve itself when you clean up your root folders.
Moving the actual files to the correct location is probably the easiest through explorer.
For changing the paths in sonarr, Series > Mass Editor will be your friend
Thanks Thirrian, I’m definitely going to work on cleaning them up this afternoon. So I was able to finally add the series, but I can’t really explain it. I was focused on this part of the log, in particular the part that says there was an instance of Sonarr already running:
20-5-23 08:46:36.1|Info|SingleInstancePolicy|1 instance(s) of Sonarr are running
20-5-23 08:46:36.1|Warn|SingleInstancePolicy|Another instance of Sonarr is already running.
20-5-23 08:46:36.1|Info|BrowserService|Starting default browser. http://localhost:8989
20-5-23 08:46:36.1|Info|ProcessProvider|Opening URL [http://localhost:8989]
20-5-23 08:46:36.2|Info|Bootstrap|Application is being terminated. Reason : Another instance is already running
20-5-23 08:48:19.0|Warn|SonarrErrorPipeline|Invalid request Validation failed:
– RootFolderPath: Root folder path contains series folder
20-5-23 08:50:33.8|Warn|SonarrErrorPipeline|Invalid request Validation failed:
– Path: Path is already configured as a root folder
I rebooted my PC, launched Sonarr, Tried adding the series again, and this time for the root folder, I chose “add new path” and drilled down to D:\TV Shows-Chris\ The series added successfully but when I went into the series, it did not create the folder there, instead it for some reason chose the very first root folder in my list of root folders, and then created the Coyote (2020) there! I edited the series, and pointed the root folder at D:\TV Shows-Chris\Coyote (2020). That edit was successful and all seems fine now. Strange but at least it’s resolved. Thanks so much for your help!