Sonarr version (exact version): OS: Windows Description of issue:
I’m not sure if I’m just doing it wrong or not, so I’d love some help.
I created a restriction profile with the ‘must contain’ as: ettv rartv rarbg;
and the ‘must not contain’ as: subfix nfofix Deleted.Scenes DVDR. DVDR- EXTRAS. xRed ReEnc FUNNY BiT HEVC
Having this applied to a show results in nothing being downloaded, when I know for sure there are torrents that match that profile.
The words in must contain are usually like this on a torrent: [ettv]
I’m wondering if it is because there are no spaces either side, and it requires a full word. I have also tried with the [] and it still returns the same result.
In the log, after it fails to find a torrent, I see: DownloadDecisionMaker: Processing 25 Releases
and then: EpisodeSearchService: Completed missing search for 1 episodes. 0 reports downloaded.
If someone could give me an idea of what I’m doing wrong that would be much appreciated!
Well, I think the issue you are facing is because you put all 3 words in a single tag… As far as I remember, if you want to dus a “must contain”, you can’t include all the words in a single tag, but you need different ones, otherwise Sonarr will take all 3 words and search for those.
Correct me if I’m wrong sonarr team, but I thought it worked like that
If you mouse over the information icon next to the field it states that it will look for at least one of those terms when searching for torrents.
I did try just using one term and it still didn’t work. The torrents it should have been able to grab didn’t have any of the ‘must not have’ words either.
Do a manual search for an episode of a show where this tag (tags?) are applied.
Check the red exclamation mark next to each release in the results, it will tell you why sonarr would reject it in case of an automatic search. Sometimes this is something completely different than what you think the problem is (in this case, the “must contain” restrictions). It can be something completely different, e.g. size restrictions.
It looks like you’re trying to match multiple words in one match, which isn’t possible. Terms are single words and case-insensitive, also by blocking DVDR you would also block DVDRip
Some of those might be possible to block by setting size restrictions as well, especially subfix/nfofix