Sonarr version (exact version): Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): 4.0.3 OS: MacOS Sierra ((Debug logs)): (Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here) Description of issue: I had a hard drive failure so clean installed MacOS Sierra onto a new SSD. I then restored from time machine but the version was a little old. I installed the latest version and restored my previous database. Everything is working with all shows found and future shows still in the selection list but I can’t seem to get a successful test to the plex media server even though the logs seem to indicate it should be fine. Could this be due to a change in volume name on the new install (Changed from Macintosh HD to MacOS) as I can’t think of anything else.
Note I’ve tried localhost/ LAN IP with and without username and password entered (I didn’t originally have one in and it worked fine before) and nothing seems to work.
Thanks for the reply. The test just says failed. If I don’t enter a username or password it says incorrect username or password as you’d expect but this error just seems to be a strange one. Here’s a screenshot I’m wondering if it’s something in the restore due to a path change or if the message is coming up before the test is complete as I’ve moved to an SSD. It’s not a major issue as I can set plex to scan folders and auto update the library but it’s a frustrating one as it was working fine before the restore of my machine.
Update - all tests are failing. Test to indexer fails as does the test to sabnzbd but both must be working as I can send things for download. Missing items don’t seem to be automatically adding to the queue though. I’m thinking a clean install may be best. Does anyone know how to do this on a Mac?
Update - removed .config/nzbdrone directory and deleted/re-downloaded app. Started completely fresh and all tests still failed when setting up indexer/plex connect/sabnzbd so I have no idea what’s going on. I’m just hoping the automatic pass of NZBs will function as normal, searching auto or manual works fine and passes the file to sabnzbd as expected
I’m having the same problem. Only nothing shows up in the logs, even with debug level on. Tests to indexers, local Sabnzbd, and transmission all show failed but nothing shows up in the logs and things are handed off to the downloaders fine.
Just to let everyone know my system is functioning exactly how it should with both auto and manual searching and downloads it just won’t test. I have no idea why the test fails but I’m happy that my system is functional