[Resolved] Cannot clear warning "Enable Completed Download Handling if possible (Sabnzbd)"

I’m annoyed with the System warning for “Enable Completed Download Handling if possible (Sabnzbd)” and what it will take to clear it. Here’s my current configuration:

  • Added category on SAB called dronetv and a matching folder called dronetv
  • In Sonarr, under Settings > Download Clients I have my SABs details entered and category dronetv set
  • Completed Download Handling is Enabled
  • Drone Factory is watching a generic folder called Downloads for imports so its not set to where my media is stored nor the dronetv folder

When new media comes in, it does everything properly:

  • Downloads to the dronetv folder
  • runs a post processing python script from SAB (simple alert to a messaging client)
  • Sonarr moves media from dronetv folder to it proper storage path i.e TV Shows/Show Name/Season/ …

Any ideas why I still see the warning in Sonarr?

Occurred to me to try the obvious too:

  • run the Health Check task
  • restart Sonarr

neither of those cleared the warning either :rage:

All else fails reboot the host machine. It finally cleared :tada:

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