Require.js :138 Uncaught Error: Load timeout for modules: api!series

I’ve been using NzbDrone on my Synology without issues for a couple of days now. I just tried to load it in Chrome browser to review my downloads for today and I see this error message. The page never loads. Error shown in Console using Chrome browser:

event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead. app.js?v=
Uncaught Error: Load timeout for modules: api!series require.js?v=
makeError require.js?v=
checkLoaded require.js?v=
(anonymous function)

Information from require.js documentationf or this error:
There was a script error in one of the listed modules. If there is no script error in the browser’s error console, and if you are using Firebug, try loading the page in another browser like Chrome or Safari. Sometimes script errors do not show up in Firebug.
The path configuration for a module is incorrect. Check the “Net” or “Network” tab in the browser’s developer tools to see if there was a 404 for an URL that would map to the module name. Make sure the script file is in the right place. In some cases you may need to use the paths configuration to fix the URL resolution for the script.
The paths config was used to set two module IDs to the same file, and that file only has one anonymous module in it. If module IDs “something” and “lib/something” are both configured to point to the same “scripts/libs/something.js” file, and something.js only has one anonymous module in it, this kind of timeout error can occur. The fix is to make sure all module ID references use the same ID (either choose “something” or “lib/something” for all references), or use map config.

Check you log files for an error: - Not sure of the location on Syno, but it should be in the same location as nzbdrone.db

Hi kyub,

did you find out what it was? I am having exactly the same problem.

Thank you!

@Steggl any thing in your log files? Typically this error arises when part of a series becomes corrupt, but it should log it. The fix is likely to fix the database by hand and remove the offending information.

Hi markus101,

I do not know yet, I did not have the time to check the logs yet and currently I am at work. I will check later today and see what I can find.

Thank you,

Hmmm, could it be the permission denied issues due to files being created by my WD TC under a different user?

EDIT: Moved logs to pastebin

Drone can’t access its own database: System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException: database is locked also errors trying to access the config file: System.IO.IOException: Sharing violation on path usr/local/nzbdrone/var/.config/NzbDrone/config.xml

is usr/local/nzbdrone/var/.config/NzbDrone readable/writable by the user running drone? Its possible the DB is corrupt, but also seeing the config file issues it might be permissions.

Strange. I checked the permissions yesterday and they were correct, the DB seems to be OK too. It just takes forever to start on my DS110j (>10 minutes), maybe because the HDD is rather slow or because the ARM CPU is really not the fastest. Nevertheless I got it back to working yesterday and it now seems to run. Thank you markus101.

BTW: I am trying to enable SSL but I cannot find the httpcfg binary on my Synology. Can you please tell me where it can be found?

I believe its part of the mono-devel package, not sure if thats available on syno or if it is available it will work.

mono: 3.6.0 (tarball Sun Aug 24 00:43:14 MDT 2014)

I’m having this same error. It’s intermittent though. For hours it will happen every time I refresh. Then I’ll try again later on and nzbdrone web console opens just fine. I have trace logging turned on and I’m not seeing any mention of this timeout or related error.

I have a slow Syno NAS so I’m wondering if this occurs during high CPU usage. What is the timeout set to by default for the api!series module? You also mentioned a series becoming corrupt but I’m not seeing anything in the logs to indicate that.

I believe the timeout is 7 seconds. You could verify via the network tab in your the development console of your browser (see how long it takes before it fails).

Are you able to see CPU usage when you’re having issues?

Yes I can monitor the system. I’m trying to load it up right now with lots of activity but can’t repro. It’s working…go figure. I’ll reply back when I can repro again.

I just had this issue again. I am running a CrashPlan backup which doesn’t usually eat up to much CPU but it maxes out the memory on the NAS. During that time I looked at the developer console in Chrome. The api!series module load times are all over the place The first time it took 1.2 minutes and failed with a timeout. Then I refreshed the browser and it only took 33 seconds but still failed with timeout. Later on when it started working again (after the CrashPlan backup was complete) I was seeing times more around 10 - 20 seconds.

I’m not sure how or if that can be resolved other than maybe making the timeout configurable to allow for high usage situations and resource limitations of some systems…

I continue to struggle with this almost daily.

Whether it’s SAB, Couch Potato, or something else my NAS is quite busy most of the time. May I ask why there is a timeout in the first place? I’m going to say a bad word here but when I used to use Sickbeard it would take a long time to load sometimes but it would eventually come up. If you don’t have a timeout is there a risk of it never opening or does that cause other issues?