[REQ] Minimum Size

Hello Markus,

I did a few searches on forum and trello but nothing has came up…

I’ve been looking at sabnzbd and nzbdrone work through 60 pages of downloads but sometimes it snatches WEB-DL’s of 100MB/ 250MB… which is obv crap.

Would it be possible to specify a minimum size also? Just like we have Max file size under advanced?

Apologies… clicked enter too early… forgot the title.

Proof: http://d.pr/i/9Zr8

What indexer you you seeing those from, I can’t find those garbage releases on mine… Looks more like an indexer issue.

Hard to say… came from NZBMegasearch … I just blacklisted the CTU group, problem solved :slight_smile:

Switched to develop branch just for the re-ordering of qualities. But nice to see the min size integrated :slight_smile: