REQ - Additional Series View


I would like to request an additional Smaller Poster View for the Series home page. I was tweaking around with the code in my Firefox, and changing a few variables, got me the image below. It is not perfect and some things need refining, but it gives you a sense of how useful this view would be. With further refining, I think you could get 9 posters on each horizontal row when the browser is maximized.

With a view like this, you can easily and quickly visually identify the show by its poster, while also being able to see a lot more posters at the same time. This is helpful by reducing the vertical scrolling while looking for your show. The red rectangle shows the show when your mouse is over it.

Please do consider this.

Sadly I lack the coding skills to do this to the source code as an additional view option.

Many thanks!


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We have some plans to redo the poster view in v3 of Sonarr, not exactly sure of our direction, but we’ll see.

Thank you Markus. Please do keep my suggestion in mind. While people like different things, usability is king. To be able to see many shows at once, to find what you are seeking, is very helpful for us “visual” types.

Best of luck.

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