Rename of files results in recopy rather than simple rename

Well, the subject pretty much says it all.

Suddenly I have noticed that upon rename as I clean things up, it is now copying the file to a second temporary file, deleting the first, then renaming the temporary file. What happened to a simple rename? Has something changed?

I have the setting covering the file creation date to ‘off’ just in case that has something to do with it.

Thanks for any insight on this.


HI Kev
I’ve just started using Sonarr and have picked up the same issue. I want to clean up all my folders but I’m ending up with 2 of everything and having to manually delete the old stuff. If that’s as good as it gets then I’m still happier than what I was using sickbeard. Sonarr has proven itself in about 2 hours after using sickbeard for 2 years and hitting my head against the wall.
Did you end up finding a solution?

Sonarr does a copy in some cases to prevent corruption, there will be some improvements to this is a future release because its not working quite the way we want.

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