Rename media with drone factory


I have some questions about the drone factory.

  • Does the drone factory rename my episode to the correct naming convention configured in Sonarr?
  • Does the drone factory move my episodes to a different location or does it keep the same location like an import does.

Thanks for the replies.


Which import (and from what download client type is important), usenet always moves, torrents will copy or hardlink if its seeding, otherwise it will move it.

Drone factory is consider deprecated and will be removed in v3 and is not recommended to be used, if you need to import files grabbed outside of Sonarr you can use Manual Import.

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Thanks for the info.
Where can i read about the changelog in V3 and when will it by available for Synology platform?

There isn’t a change log, its a work in progress, we’re just advising people that it will be deprecated.

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