Release will be processed 15 hours ago

Just woke up and noticed that three shows from yesterday are all showing this status. I’m not really sure what you need for this in terms of logs, but let me know and I’ll pull it all out for you.

Hold up, looks like Sab may have crashed overnight. It’s probably that, but I’ll confirm either way.

Hmm. Well that was the issue, however in the case above, Drone grabbed the IMMERSE release for some reason, rather than the better WEB-DL…

It also grabbed a 720p release of Manhattan when there’s a 1080p available.

I didn’t have debug enabled at the time so don’t have debug logs. I just enabled it and tried an automatic search but it grabbed the correct release of course. There’s a bug in there somewhere :smiley:

EDIT: Thinking about it, and looking at the log, I assume it “cached” the releases that it originally tried to download back when the original 5 hours were up, but couldn’t connect to Sab. That makes sense. So after I fixed up Sab, and restarted Drone, it pushed through the files it tried to push through originally, rather than searching again.

That’s fair enough, probably another edge case, but it might be worth putting in some checks for that down the track if you get time.

The WEB-DL should have been sitting in the delayed releases, which show under History -> Queue, and should have been grabbed when they processed, but there are two "should have"s in that sentence and without logs I can’t say for certain.

About all we can do is ensure that items are still queued for grabbing later if the download client is offline.

Right ok, interesting. I didn’t think to check in there, and it’s too late now, but I guess that didn’t happen as the very first release was pushed through.

If I get time (I probably won’t :D) I’ll disable SAB one day and try and replicate this for you.

I moved 3 posts to a new topic: Releases not being grabbed after a delay