Release Rejected (Unknown Series) and other file not found issues

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): 4.6.2 (Stable Tue Jan 3 11:48:26 UTC 2017)
OS: Linux
((Debug logs)):
(Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here)
Description of issue:

Trying to match series Utopia (UK) gives a ‘Release Rejected (Unknown Series)’ when searching, and won’t match with manually downloaded files either.

Having similar issues with Tim and Eric’s Bedtime Stories Specials, plus Season 1 Episode 8 and 9 (in reality both specials, not part of season 1, but Sonarr says they are). Sonarr won’t find these episodes on BTN nor will it find my manually-renamed (so they match the series and episode numbers Sonarr expects), manually-downloaded files.

Again with the series Decker, with season 1 it will find it and download the season pack but then state that episodes 2 and 4 are missing, despite them both not being missing and following identical naming format to the other episodes. Season 2 of Decker can’t be found either manually downloaded or on BTN, despite it being on there.

Any way I can get around these issues?

Utopia is a mess with multiple series with the same name, it looks like Utopia is an alias for the Australian series: but there isn’t an alias for the UK series to it wouldn’t work. I’m not entirely sure the alias for the Australian series is correct and may need to be removed.

Sonarr gets that information from TheTVDB, this would either need to be added to to be handled automatically (remapping the episodes in season 1 to their season 0 episode numbers) or done manually. I see no reason why they wouldn’t be handled automatically, but would need to see ((debug logs)) to see why it’s not.

Decker season two is likely due to the naming of it, but even though the naming is off I’d expect results to be returned, so it’s looking like an issue with BTN since no results are returned for Sonarr to process.

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