Release rejected based on size but Sonarr is wrong


Look at this screenshot:

And my quality settings:

Where do I say stated minimum 3,4GB?


I believe this error message is sometimes incorrectly shown, and there is another issue why the release is rejected.
If you enable debug tracing, you could check the actual parsing, to see if there is a different cause in the log.

That was when size X exceeded maximum size 0 bytes, which has been fixed.

Minimum/maximum sizes are related to the run time of the series as well as the number of episodes, since the first episode of a season has the potential to be a double episode the minimum and maximum is doubled. 45 minute series * 38 MB/minute * 2 = 3.4 GB.

Wait, why would the minimum be doubled? What if the first/last episode of a season isn’t a double episode, as appears to be the case here?

i.e. Is it more likely that there’d be a low quality double episode erroneously snatched, or a normal quality single episode which is ignored?

Actually, only the max size restriction is doubled, but the math still checks because its a 90 minute series, so 90 minutes * 38 MB = 3.4GB.

So this release doesn’t meet the minimum as its been set.

No, it’s 60 min series. Only the last episode is 1h29min. I had this issue with every single episode from s01 and s02.

Someone had set the run time wrong on TheTVDB, since thats what Sonarr uses it needs to be right for Sonarr to be able to calculate it properly. Fixed it now, it’ll be about 90 minutes before it can be refreshed in Sonarr to reflect that change.

The runtime is shown on the series details page in Sonarr as well.

Thank you markus.

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