Release group names are not set properly when renaming episodes


I am encountering a strange issue when I try to rename episodes. Very often, the release group won’t be set properly when renaming episodes.

My naming pattern is the following:

{Series.Title}.S{season:00}E{episode:00}.{Episode.Title}.{Release Group}

This example is OK, the release group is set correctly:

Saison 1/The.Family 1x03.720p.HDTV.x264-AVS.mkv
Saison 1/The.Family.(2016).S01E03.Of.Puppies.and.Monsters.AVS.mkv

But with another show and the same group, it is not working:

Saison 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E11.Knots.Untie.AVS.mkv
Saison 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E11.Knots.Untie.Sonarr.mkv

In the following examples, “KILLERS” is not taken and is replaced by Sonarr.

Saison 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E10.The.Next.World.KILLERS.mkv
Saison 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E10.The.Next.World.Sonarr.mkv

Saison 1/
Saison 1/The.Family.(2016)

Other examples:

Saison 7/The.Good.Wife.S07E13.Judged.DIMENSION.mkv
Saison 7/The.Good.Wife.S07E13.Judged.Sonarr.mkv
Saison 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E09.No.Way.Out.SVA.mkv
Saison 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E09.No.Way.Out.Sonarr.mkv
Saison 4/House.of.Cards.US.S04E09.Chapter.48.DEFLATE.mkv
Saison 4/House.of.Cards.(US).S04E09.Chapter.48.Sonarr.mkv

Do you have any idea on how to fix this issue? I come from Sickebeard so I may be doing something wrong.

Thank you.

**Sonarr version **:
**Mono version **: 3.10.0 (tarball Sat Mar 28 10:18:33 UTC 2015)

Sonarr only recognizes the -ReleaseGroup format. Sonarr isn’t an AI, it can’t understand things the way humans do.

OK, thank you for the answer.

Sickbeard was able to keep release group even if not separated by a “-” and didn’t find that information in the documentation, here is why I asked that question.

So it is good to know that release group must be separed by a “-” to be detected :slight_smile:

I have ran into this same “issue” on my sonarr, if a filename ends with -Obfuscated, he will parse that word as the releasegroup. I’m not sure how sonarr parses the filenames exactly, but if you parse the first word after hyphen in the releasename, you are way more likely to have the releasegroup than when you parse the last one.

I’d love to help out with things like this but my coding is way too shoddy for a big project as sonarr unfortunately :frowning:

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