I am encountering a strange issue when I try to rename episodes. Very often, the release group won’t be set properly when renaming episodes.
My naming pattern is the following:
{Series.Title}.S{season:00}E{episode:00}.{Episode.Title}.{Release Group}
This example is OK, the release group is set correctly:
Saison 1/The.Family 1x03.720p.HDTV.x264-AVS.mkv
Saison 1/The.Family.(2016).S01E03.Of.Puppies.and.Monsters.AVS.mkv
But with another show and the same group, it is not working:
Saison 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E11.Knots.Untie.AVS.mkv
Saison 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E11.Knots.Untie.Sonarr.mkv
In the following examples, “KILLERS” is not taken and is replaced by Sonarr.
Saison 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E10.The.Next.World.KILLERS.mkv
Saison 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E10.The.Next.World.Sonarr.mkv
Saison 1/The.Family.2016.S01E02.All.You.See.is.Dark.KILLERS.mkv
Saison 1/The.Family.(2016).S01E02.All.You.See.is.Dark.Sonarr.mkv
Other examples:
Saison 7/The.Good.Wife.S07E13.Judged.DIMENSION.mkv
Saison 7/The.Good.Wife.S07E13.Judged.Sonarr.mkv
Saison 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E09.No.Way.Out.SVA.mkv
Saison 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E09.No.Way.Out.Sonarr.mkv
Saison 4/House.of.Cards.US.S04E09.Chapter.48.DEFLATE.mkv
Saison 4/House.of.Cards.(US).S04E09.Chapter.48.Sonarr.mkv
Do you have any idea on how to fix this issue? I come from Sickebeard so I may be doing something wrong.
Thank you.
**Sonarr version **:
**Mono version **: 3.10.0 (tarball Sat Mar 28 10:18:33 UTC 2015)