Hi everyone.
Have been pretty successful for a couple months with Sonarr. It is great.
But now when i refresh TV series in Sonarr the file count and file sizes will go to zero. The files are still there on target drive. but Sonarr will report back zero. I also can’t rename episodes anymore through Sonarr. It will quickly say it is done renaming and nothing happens.
I have been trying to find out why this is happening now because these features have been working great for the last couple months but tonight it has not been working. Any help would be appreciated or idea to try.
Thanks you so much.
Which version of Sonarr?
Which OS is Sonarr running on? If non-Windows, which version of mono?
Are the files local or remote (on a network share)?
Please pastebin debug logs of a series refresh and a rename.
Sonarr running on osx 10.9.5
files are downloaded on mac with sonarr and sent over network to appropriate tv folders on another mac. sabnzbd is download client. also running on same mac as Sonarr.
trying to enable debug log in sonarr but gives me this error: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psbdcxh92ds89m0/Screen%20Shot%202015-02-09%20at%2011.05.54%20PM.jpg?dl=0
Which version of mono?
Reloading the UI should clear that error up.
mono 3.10.0 ((detached/47db868 Thu Oct 2 22:04:39 EDT 2014)
refreshing UI worked with enabling debug log. thx.
so i enabled the debug log. refreshed a series that has many episodes in it. It ran and then the counter for the size and the number of files went backwards to zero. the log just shows the commands but nothing else.
and on top of this i have some weird downloads that are not making it to their existing folders. I am including the debug log for that. and then finally there is a lengthy debug file which i do not understand and maybe you can help with what it means. Thanks so much for any help you can give.
here is some history on one of the tv series files that disappeared from sonarr.
Please edit posts instead of submitting multiple in a row.
Those aren’t debug logs, those are in log files (and why I asked for them to be pastebinned, so the thread doesn’t get full of text from the logs).
Sonarr can’t access your files, either permissions or something else. That would explain why files aren’t being imported, refreshing the series results in no episodes and why you can’t rename.
That last error can safely be ignored, its not really an error, it happens when the backend can’t talk to a closed browser tab.