Refresh Series Failed - Failed to read complete http response

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Ubuntu 17.0.4
((Debug logs)):
(Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here)
Description of issue: Attempts to automatically refresh library/scan disk fail. Manually scanning disk fails as well.

CommandExecutor Error occurred while executing task RefreshSeries: Failed to read complete http response

I recommend downgrading mono to see if 5.0 or 4.8 also have the same issue, as 5.2 is only a few days old and may have some issues.

Mono downgrade to 4.6.2

Looks like it’s working on and off which is better than not at all.

DiskScanService Completed scanning disk for Feherty 11:24am
DiskScanService Scanning disk for Feherty 11:24am
RefreshEpisodeService Finished episode refresh for series: [262289][Feherty]. 11:24am
RefreshEpisodeService Starting episode info refresh for: [262289][Feherty] 11:24am
RefreshSeriesService Updating Info for Feherty 11:24am
CommandExecutor Error occurred while executing task RefreshSeries: DNS Name Resolution Failure: ‘’ 11:24am
RefreshSeriesService Updating Info for American Dreams 11:24am
CommandExecutor Error occurred while executing task RefreshSeries: Failed to read complete http response 11:24am
RefreshSeriesService Updating Info for American Horror Story 11:24am

This may be related to some DNS issues with Ubuntu 17.04 (as well as some other versions), I’m not sure if it was fixed already, but definitely odd that you get it after a successful update just before it.

Same error again, I don’t recall seeing this with 4.6.2 before, perhaps related to to server hiccups we’ve had recently, but those have been infrequent and short lived.

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