Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Ubuntu18.04
Debug logs:
Description of issue: I’m horrible and a cheapskate so I used raid0 to create an array of disks. One of these disks failed… So I’ve recreated the filesystem and brought Sonarr back up. Now, Sonarr has a nice feature where it doesn’t freak out if the folder is missing - but I want it to redownload all monitored episodes.
Is there a way to have sonarr re-create all missing series folders? Or is there a way to grab all the folders to be created via sqlite? I tried grepping out folder names from the debug log, but it just logs “series folder missing” or something not very informative - so I can’t just use grep | sort -u shortcuts. I tried poking around in the sqlite db file, but not really seeing full path names - so I’m a little lost…
tl;dr; anyone have a way to recreate missing series folders?