Ray Donovan Air Dates

Today I noticed that all the air dates for the Ray Donovan series are wrong. The series started in 2013 and the air dates are saying 1969, 1970. The bottom line is that my wanted list now contains entries for episodes 7-12 of this series and they haven’t aired.

I’m only mentioning this because everything was correct yesterday.

The series/episode data comes from trakt, which gets it from thetvdb, sounds like someone broke it on tvdb, it will need to be fixed there and trakt will need to sync up, then drone will eventually update and get the correct data.

lol, I seen the same thing. I just did a refresh in drone of Ray Donovan and the dates are now fixed. I did a force update in Trakt first.

Thanks @Smoker that should fix it for everyone at the next drone refresh.

Yes, it’s fixed now. Thanks. :smile:

This usually happens when someone adds timezone data to air times. TVDB treats it as a string and only stores the air date as a date in the database so it works fine there, but Trakt stores every air date as a datetime (which is a better approach, IMO) and can’t handle the time zone addition some TVDB users make.