RAR Files in SABnzb Completed Downloads

Sonarr version
OS: Windows 10
Description of issue:
So I got Sonarr connected to SABnzbd and it does complete downloads without a problem. It also knows where my existing shows are as it has scanned the directory without issue. The only problem I’m having is I can’t seem to get it to move the shows and rename them. With Sickrage I had a script that would do the work and I just plugged that script into the SABnzbd “Categories” section.

After looking in my completed folder for a particular TV show I see files like this:


Then in the same folder there are other files like this:

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I would like to leave Sickrage and move to Sonarr because I get a lot of failures for downloads with my nzbd’s but I love how Sonarr keeps retrying until it gets a good download.

I figured out it was my settings in the Categories section of SABnzbd. :slight_smile:

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