Raised by Wolves quality detection problems

Sonarr version (exact version):

Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Ubuntu
Description of issue:

Sonarr doesn’t pick up “Raised by Wolves” because it doesn’t seem to be able to detect the quality. After performing a manual search I get results that look like this:


However, there is a red exclamation mark saying " * 3.5 GB is larger than maximum allowed 0 B (for 0min)"

Is the “HMAX” in the filename potentially a problem? All my 1080p size limits unter the “Quality” settings are larger that 3.5 GB.

I just found this line in the logs:

|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: WEBDL-1080p v1

However, there is no “WEBDL-1080p v1” quality preset under my “Quality” settings, I guess that is where the “0 B” error comes from. Is there a way to add more quality definitions?


That means the series runtime is not entered correctly on thetvdb.

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