Question about replacing episodes with better quality, after a conversion?

Hi, I’m new to the forums and to sonarr but loving it so far. Thanks in advance for any answers.

My setup is sonarr is connected to uTorrent, utorrent moves completed downloads to a “Finished torrents” folder, then Sonarr renames/moves these to my library.

I dislike having MKV files in my library, so I have a little ffmpeg script that runs on schedule and remuxes my MKVs to MP4 files. It creates an identically named file with MP4 extension, then deletes the MKV.

My question: I noticed that if Sonarr finds a better quality version and downloads it after this, It will not remove the file lower quality file. Presumably, because I have converted it. So, I will have duplicates of the episode. What does sonarr use to recognize (and remove) an existing episode? And is there a way for me to incorporate that into my script so the functionality works and I don’t have dups?

Thanks in advance.

When Sonarr imports the file it will start tracking the file based on the file name, if you move it, delete it rename it outside of Sonarr, Sonarr needs to be told to refresh the series before it sees those changes. By default Sonarr does that every 12 hours, but you can tell Sonarr to refresh a series or all series via the API.

The API docs are here: You’ll want to look at the commands endpoint:

After you convert all the files you can tell Sonarr to refresh all the series and it will update the series and episode info and look for new files. You wouldn’t want to force a rescan, but doing it 1-2 times a day would be acceptable to not abuse upstream services and it would offset the automatic refresh to run 12 hours after it was last run.

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