Question about download new TV shows

Hi Guys
This is y first post here, so hello there :smiley:
First i must say that this software is very impressive i’m really happy using it.
But i have some troubles and i hope that you can help me. Sorry if this a supping question.

I have all my TV shows sort like this for plex

Tv-show name (folder)
Season X (sub folder)
tvshow_name S00E00.m4v

As an example

The Flash (2014)
Season 1
The Flash (2014) S01E01.m4v
The Flash (2014)

Note: All my media is in the m4v h264 container i have all on this format.

I fond no issue to scan the media with sonar, but happened something funny, when i finish to download an episode the new one goes to the folder to keep with this example lets assume The Fash (2014) S01E02 720pxxx.mkv
An here is the problem
I process and convert the video file to The Flash (2014) S01E02.m4v and put in the Season 1 folder.
And found that some time later sonar put in the queue the torrent again (some times even delete the new file)

I can live with the episode on mov put on the season folder, but the constant download is a problem i start to question me if i have that episode.

I use sooner with utorrent for mac as client and torrent site for search engine. OS X 10.11.1 and lasted sonar release.
Hope you can help me
Best Regards

First make sure you’re on the latest version of Sonarr, a new release went out yesterday.

Sonarr needs to know where the video files are, if they’re moved and not replaced Sonarr will treat them as missing and wait for a new release, as long as the file ends up back in the series folder (in a season sub folder or not), Sonarr will not have any issues the next time the series refreshes.

If the downloads are of different qualities (HDTV then later WEB-DL) you will need to adjust your profile to not look for upgrades.

Hi Markus
Thanks a lot !
I don’t move the video files i use a copy to convert into a m4v (AppleTv 3 profile) and then replace the file
for example
Today i have this file downloaded
I will convert into The Flash (2014) S02E07.m4v then i will put this new file in the same place as the previous, and then delete the file “The.Flash.S02E07.Gorilla.Warfare.1080p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.x265.HEVC-StarLord[UTR].mkv”

Just one more question if you are so kind, is there some guide or how to, that explain how to adjust the filters for qualities ?
When i mention that sonar delete a previous file i think that was when try to download a better release of an episode file, is possible to avoid the direct delete ? for instances move the old file to another location ? (i have 8 drives on my server i have place to move the files :slight_smile:

Best regards
And again thanks for your help Might be what you’re after.

No thats not possible.

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