Is there a way I can set different quality/file size settings for different profiles? I want to make a h.265 HEVC profile to filter out file sizes over a certain size, so it doesn’t download h.264 files, but as some shows are only available in h.264 still, I want a profile for that too. Is there a way to do this?
No its not, at this time we don’t plan to move size limits to specific profiles.
So add a ‘Must Contain’ restriction (Settings->Indexers->restrictions)? and tag the series?
Oh that’s a great idea! So I can tag individual series with things such as ‘x265’ or ‘6ch’?
I will give that a go tonight. Thanks for the help guys.
the tag name is just that, a name. then in Restrictions you can associate that tag with a set of rules. Try it out (btw. hover over the [i] icons in that view, that’ll tell you about the ‘and’ and ‘or’ logic)
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