I recently attempted to download entire series of the show using Drone. I was using the standard definition quality profile. However, many episodes were missing and only available in HD. I know there’s no way to prioritize grabbing SD quality first. However, if I set the quality profile to HD all, will it attempt to grab SD releases if HD is not available? Or if they come out first? I don’t want to miss any shows because an HD version isn’t available.
@Xanthos Setup a profile with all the qualities you want, SDTV, HDTV 720p, etc, set the cutoff to the lowest quality you would like to keep (SDTV likely). If the SDTV comes out first it will be grabbed, if it doesn’t come out first (or at all) then it would download HDTV 720p. Drone will prefer higher quality releases (if accepted by the profile).
markus101, yes, pretty much the opposite of the “do not download before”. More really for the backfill of shows. Sometimes an SD episode is missing or out of retention. It would be nice to allow it to download another quality after a set amount of time to complete it’s backfill.
The “customize quality order” is pretty much what i’m talking about, it’s nice to be able to set a “wait” period in case the episode is re-posted.
Thanks for the help Markus. I have another question if you don’t mind. The newly created profile works well. However, I cannot get the quality order the way I want it. For example, after HDTV 720p, the next one on the list is HDTV 1080p. It then goes to Raw HD, and then WebDL 720p. WebDL 720p should be directly after HDTV 720p according to the other profiles. However, no matter what order I add all of the qualities, it always seems to sort in that way. Any ideas why this may be the case?
Thanks, I apologize for asking so many questions and appreciate your responses. I didn’t realize scans were every 12 hours, so I was confused why episodes were showing up as downloaded when I deleted them. Before your message,I was testing how things worked. I moved a bunch of shows out of their season folder, conveniently found the scan function, and they were appropriately not found. I then moved them back and scanned again and they were properly identified. However, I received this error multiple times.
Those are UI errors, I’ll see if I can reproduce them given your scenario. They were coming up as it was trying to update the UI to show the fact that the files were no longer there, then there again.
I’ve been trying to download some old episodes from drone. This one has me absolutely confused. Drone finds the file just fine, and the show before that. However, it won’t touch the sixth episode, even though they seem to be named the same just with a one episode difference. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.
Component Message Time
DownloadedEpisodesImportService Unknown Series The.Biggest.Loser.US.S15E06.HDTV 4:23 PM
EpisodeService Linking [M:\G\TV\The Biggest Loser\Season 15\The Biggest Loser - 15x05 - The Cook-Off [SDTV].mp4] > [[8248]The Cook-Off] 4:23 PM
EpisodeFileMovingService Moving [M:\G\sabnzbd\Downloads\complete\tv\The.Biggest.Loser.S15E05.HDTV.x264-2HD\the.biggest.loser.s15e05.hdtv.x264-2hd.mp4] > [M:\G\TV\The Biggest Loser\Season 15\The Biggest Loser - 15x05 - The Cook-Off [SDTV].mp4] 4:23 PM
ImportDecisionMaker Analyzing 1/1 files. 4:23 PM
DiskScanService 1 video files were found in M:\G\sabnzbd\Downloads\complete\tv\The.Biggest.Loser.S15E05.HDTV.x264-2HD 4:23 PM
DiskScanService Scanning ‘M:\G\sabnzbd\Downloads\complete\tv\The.Biggest.Loser.S15E05.HDTV.x264-2HD’ for video files 4:23 PM
Oddly enough, I just had to remove the .US from the folder name and imported fine. Maybe the .US threw it off? It’s just confusing because it was an automatic download.