Quality Modification, Refresh failing, download errors

When did Drone start determining what failed and what didn’t? I got home home Thursday to my surprise, 3 download errors in my history. I don’t think they ever went to SABNZBD. There was NO try to re-get them. This left me to manually searching for them, sending them to SAB, and they downloaded just fine???

I am also trying to replace some 720 TV rips with DVD rips. Usually I have to go in and delete the 720’s, then refresh the series in Drone, then it will find the newly downloaded DVD ones and replace them. I am getting a “refresh failed” notification. Is there a way to set this up automatically? I know you have the option to do 720->Bluray, or SD ->DVD, but how bout 720 ->DVD? I like to watch them in HD, then archive them in DVD to save space.

Lastly, I have been waiting for you to add the (mass, season) option to manually over-ride the quality malfunctions that Drone has. Now is seams that I can’t even modify an episode anymore.???


Failed download handling was added in the latest release, more info on how it works is on the wiki: https://github.com/NzbDrone/NzbDrone/wiki/Failed-Download-Handling

Custom quality order is something we want to handle at some point: https://trello.com/c/dmuIBWwH/224-customize-quality-order

Changing the parsed quality of a single file is still supported. Haven’t looked into changing a full season yet.

This is what I get when I try to refresh a series:

TaskExtensions	Task Error: REST request failed: [404] [GET] at [http://api.trakt.tv/show/summary.json/bc3c2c460f22cbb01c264022b540e191/248741/extended]	8:20 AM

RestSharpExtensions [GET] [http://api.trakt.tv/show/summary.json/bc3c2c460f22cbb01c264022b540e191/248741/extended] Failed. [NotFound] 8:20 AM
RefreshSeriesService Updating Info for 2 Broke Girls 8:20 AM
MediaCoverMapper File C:\ProgramData\zbDrone\MediaCover\210\poster.jpg not found 8:20 AM
MediaCoverMapper File C:\ProgramData\zbDrone\MediaCover\210\poster.jpg not found 8:20 AM
TaskExtensions Task Error: REST request failed: [404] [GET] at [http://api.trakt.tv/show/summary.json/bc3c2c460f22cbb01c264022b540e191/81189/extended] 8:19 AM
RestSharpExtensions [GET] [http://api.trakt.tv/show/summary.json/bc3c2c460f22cbb01c264022b540e191/81189/extended] Failed. [NotFound] 8:19 AM
RefreshSeriesService Updating Info for Breaking Bad 8:19 AM
TaskExtensions Task Error: REST request failed: [404] [GET] at [http://api.trakt.tv/show/summary.json/bc3c2c460f22cbb01c264022b540e191/81189/extended] 8:19 AM
RestSharpExtensions [GET] [http://api.trakt.tv/show/summary.json/bc3c2c460f22cbb01c264022b540e191/81189/extended] Failed. [NotFound] 8:19 AM
RefreshSeriesService Updating Info for Breaking Bad 8:19 AM

The trakt API was a bit slow when I just hit it, but it eventually did return the series information, perhaps just some slow down on their side.