Quality in another File

This is gonna sound slightly off :smile:

I would like to request that when a file is download, the quality of the release could be stored in a separate file (kind of like another .nfo). Reasons being the following:

  1. keeps XBMC/Kodi from seeing it as new show. If one appends the quality on a show then it later upgrades, the viewed status erases and XBMC treats it as a new episode.
  2. One could open the files if needed (HDTV/WEB are sometimes similar sizes) and tell what kind of of release it is.
  3. see #1 :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course, when the episode is replaced, the extra file should be deleted and recreated based on the new quality.


Use trakt to sync watches statuses and then its a non-issue.

I really donโ€™t see this being useful to most people and would be a huge pain to deal with parsing it back if the library had to be rebuilt (Kodi would also not show the quality in the UI).

If someone inclined they could use: https://trello.com/c/mCJyYeZl/122-custom-notifications-scripts-similar-to-sab-post-processing-scripts once its implemented to achieve this.

That makes sense. I had forgotten that Kodi reads and parses the file for quality as well. sigh.

Iโ€™ve tried trakt in the past and it failed miserably so I switched to using the sql database method instead. Perhaps I should revist the trakt again.

Thanks Markus.