Pushover notifications not working

Hello all,

I’ve been using Pushover for “On Download” notifications within Sonarr for over a year, and it’s been working great. For whatever reason, when a few new shows downloaded tonight the Pushover notifications were never sent.

I logged into my Pushover account directly, and triggered a Test notification from the user admin panel to make sure the keys were still valid and everything was still working – and my phone did receive the test notification.

I’ve restarted Sonarr, and even rebooted the machine that Sonarr is installed on – but no matter how many times I try to trigger a test notify from within Sonarr, the notification never reaches the phone. And again, I have verified the API keys are correct.

Any ideas why the notifications would just stop working out of the blue?

Anything in the logs?

The only thing I can think of is that the application has hit its API limit.

Nothing I can find in the logs related to Pushover. And I’m only at 66 out of 7500 API calls for the month, so definitely haven’t hit the API limit. I’m still at a loss on this one.

I just forced a new download of something small, just to see if the Notification would trigger – and it seems to be working once again. No idea why the intermittent stop, but I suppose the Pushover service itself could have been down temporarily.

Thats very bizarre, not sure what else it could be besides a blip on their side, but I’d still expect an error to be in Sonarr’s logs in that case.