Sonarr version: 20150731-8 Mono version: 3.10.0-4 OS: DSM 5.2 ((Debug logs)): (Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here) Description of issue: Add Series - Import from Disk, doesn’t find correct match for some series. This appears to be because I have some Series in folders named something like ‘Ínbetweeners, The’ so that they sort correctly when browsing in Windows Explorer. If I manually rename the folders (eg The Inbetweeners) then Import from Disk finds the correct match. Surely there’s a way to get the right match for a series where the folder doesn’t have ‘The’ at the start? Folders called either, ‘Inbetweeners, The’ or even just ‘Inbetweeners’ fails to find the right match, but ‘The Inbetweeners’ is fine. This seems unnecessarily restrictive, but I can’t find a good way to work around it.
Appreciate any help on what I am doing wrong and how I can get this to work the way I’d like.
Sonarr uses the folder name to determine the series, which it queries TheTVDB for, if there isn’t a match then you won’t get results, but you can manual search for it to change the term Sonarr is searching for to get the correct results back. At the moment Sonarr doesn’t correct what its searching for in this case, though that could probably be implemented.
Thanks for the answer. It’s a shame that there’s nothing implemented to handle this sort of thing already, but good to know that it could probably be done.
Using your suggestion, I’ve added the shows manually then edited the path to match my actual folder names and then used refresh/update to re-scan files from disk. This seems to be a suitable workaround for me, so thanks for your help