Problems with folders and file recognition

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): None
OS: Windows 10
Debug logs: missing root folder z:\plex\tv
Description of issue: Sonarr not recognizing files already downloaded

Sabnzbd and Sonarr runs on my Windows desktop.
Synology diskstation stores all TV shows

Whats happening:
Sonarr is able to communicate with Sabnzbd and my indexer to download the right TV shows
After download, Sabnzbd moves it to Z:\PLEX\TV
From then on Sonarr doesn’t realize that the TV Show has been downloaded.
Under series it still records as 0/1 for the season for example.
Hence it doesn’t rename or move them anywhere (this is a later problem).

However for some other shows, it does recognize existing files and i get 10/10 for the season.

This causes SONARR to continuously download some episodes as they come live on the indexer (or so i believe).

This is a file naming problem, what exact folders should SABNZBD be downloading to, how does SONARR reference that folder and how do i name folders in the series editor?

In addition, what is Root folder? Where is it really used? Do all shows have the same root folder e.g. Z:\PLEX\TV and we leave it as that? I get an error “path is already configured as a root folder” when i try doing that for individual shows.

I’ve tried searching around the help files.

Any help is appreciated thank you.

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