Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Ubuntu
Debug logs:
Description of issue: The Daily show keeps setting itself up to download old shows that I had to manually find and download because the version I wanted wasn’t made available at the time. I unchecked the monitoring flag for each of them then a whole week shows up and then all the monitoring of future episodes is cleared. I have a ton of debug logs but not sure how to find the right ones so as not to upload a bunch of them that are useless as I’m not sure which day they actually downloaded. The shows were for last week but I saw them on Saturday. Should I upload Friday and Saturday just be sure? I’d like to get this issue fixed as this is the only show that seems to have the problem.
I occasionally have a similar issue with The Daily Show. I will download each days show normally(automatically) and when I finish watching the weeks shows I will physically delete the season folder in Windows. Normally when I do something like this the entire weeks worth of shows flips to unmonitored(as expected) once Sonarr notices they are gone but occasionally the weeks worth of shows stays in monitored status and then all the weeks episodes show up in the SAB download queue again. I am still on version 3 of Sonarr. It happened this weekend.
At least I’m not alone LOL. I had it re-monitor Thursdays show again at some point after I deleted the entire week and re-flagged the upcoming week. I loaded up SONARR and lo and behold last Thursday was flagged as Monitor again. Not sure why it only happens with this show. I don’t like the extra downloading. It did this on SONARR 3 for me as well.
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