Problem with NzbDrone and Deluge


I have tried to setup deluge as a torrent client for NZBdrone but unfortunately I am not having much success with it.

The general problem seems to be that when I add something to download, it will succesfully transfer it to deluge and it will start downloading but on NZBdrone I do not see anything on the activity page

**Edit-- I do see something on the activity page but it will show there briefly and dissapear, when hovering cursor over the dowload time bar it says NaN%

I was wondering if I could have any pointers on what I could have possibly done wrong?

**NZBdrone is already setup for usenet with no problems and I have followed the cutting cords tutorial for deluge with the WebUI and Labels.

Thank You

NZBDrone is dead, its Sonarr now.

Hastebin a couple minutes of trace logs and we can take a look.