Problem with 'Anime Episode Format' parsing

Hi, there seems to be an error with the title parser for the Anime Episode Format field, see the pictures:

for some reason it is not accepting a double brace to open the absolute:00 item.

Could you have a look at it please?

To confirm, you want all your identifiers (season/episode, date and absolute episode number) to be wrapped in braces?

Interesting point: you can do this for regular episodes… Well, at least it’s not complaining about invalid format. I haven’t let sonarr rename something with curlies for real though, so I don’t know if there are actual filesystem or other issues when using those characters…

yes, all three formats to look the same

This will be fixed in develop soon, but if its found to conflict with other well known naming patterns we will need to remove this change.

For best results you should include the season/episode numbers in anime since they’re more reliable when parsing.

Really? In that case what I noticed earlier this week might be a bug. TVDB’s ordering changed a bit for a particular season: S02E01 through S02E04 were apparently numbered 013-016 in absolute numbers, but it was changed so that 4 specials got those numbers and season 2 started at 017. I had already downloaded the series before this change. My naming scheme had them renamed to 2x01 - 013 - Title. Some time when Sonarr found out about the TVDB change, it started dealing with 2x01 - 013 as if it was special 1 (because that now had absolute number 13). 2x02 - 014 was recognized as special 2. 2x05 - 017 was treated as if it was 2x01 because that now had 17 as an episode number.

If season/episode numbers are more reliable, why is the absolute number given priority? :slight_smile:

Okay, fine, thanks.

More reliable for parsing because there are cases where absolute numbers alone (unless its in a release style name with subgroup and hash) won’t parse, I’m aware of 101 being handled as season 1 episode 1, but there other cases.

Not saying it is perfect (and you cited an edge case), but from a parsing perspective season/episode number parsing is more accurate because it has more to go on (not just 2 or 3 numbers with no indication.