Previously downloaded episodes not being detected

I’m currently trying to make the switch from SickBeard to NzbDrone, but I’ve come across a problem. For a couple of my shows which I’ve downloaded all episodes for, random episodes are not being detected and are showing as “Episode missing from disk”.

For example, I have the entire 10 episode season of a particular show, all in the exact same quality (1080p), all named using the exact same naming scheme, but episode 6, 9 and 10 are not being detected by NzbDrone.

Any ideas?

Welcome! That’s pretty odd, we’ll need trace logging to diagnose.

Also a few questions:
Are there multiple episodes in the file?
Does the series number contain numbers?
Does the episode title contain numbers?
If you could PM me the file names that aren’t importing that would be helpful.

Enable trace logging
Delete the existing log files (system - logs - files)
Refresh the affected series (which will rescan the disk for episodes)
Post logs to pastebin

PM sent with all info.

Thanks - Logs look similar to an issue I found with parsing earlier today, which is now fixed in the develop branch. Could you switch to that branch ( and see if it resolves the issue, if not, please grab another trace log (it also has some more logging).

Those file names parse properly in my tests, so I think this should solve it. If you don’t want to be on the bleeding edge after testing it, you can return to the master branch and receive updates as we push them out to everyone.

After switching to the develop branch, I’m still having this issue unfortunately. New log files PM’d to you.

Okay, found something, the issue is that the path for the file already exists in the database. Drone has a cleanup job that should clean those up at start up, but its possible it hadn’t run yet or its a new issue.

Could you stop drone and then start it again.
Wait a couple minutes then rescan the series
If the files aren’t imported then please zip up your DB and PM me a link to download it please - I want to see what those phantom files are linked to and how to fix it

That seems to have worked! Thanks for the help.