I think it would be great if you could somehow incorporate a Premiere tag and a Finale tag for the first and last episode of a season in the calendar.
Something like this I think would look good.
Also, It would be great if this could be also incorporated into the Episode Info
How would Drone know the difference between a finale episode and the last known episode that is not actually a finale? Let’s take Better Call Saul as an example. Episode 1 is currently the only one entered on there. It would be the season premiere and the season finale at the same time until someone adds the next few episodes.
Just commented about this on another thread: Finales are too unreliable to detect, we would only want to include that info if it was accurate and I can’t think of reliable way to ensure it is.
Premieres is definitely doable, but I don’t see this being something we’re going to add to the calendar as-is, it adds clutter (same reason we don’t have the season/episode number displayed) and is the location of status icons (when applicable).
Possibly have Premieres a different color? I often just glance at my calendar, and seeing a new color (Pink?) would alert me that something was up. Or get me excited b/c a show has come back/started up.
I was thinking that as well, I changed it to the same blue as the logo, which will still standout instead of the darker blue, but won’t conflict with missing.