Sonarr version (exact version): OS: Windows 7
Im trying to setup up my download rules
DL 720p IF x265
DL SDTV x265 or x264
I dont think its possible to do exactly that so to filter out the x264 from the 720p i was hoping to use the filesize limit.
I have my profiles set to 720p,(HDTV and Web) 480p web and SDTV
with 720p Web as cutoff
I have the quality max file size set to the lowest setting @780MB/h
but even at the lowest setting its still not blocking the x264 720P download thats 994mb (for an apparently 60 min episode based off the details in the show header in sonarr )
Season premieres and finales are allowed to be double the size, 16 is the last episode in the list and treated as the finale. There could be additional episodes, but it’s not something Sonarr knows.
I use the TAG filed against the TV Series to ensure the torrent has x265 in it but I would much rather be able to say “Prefer x265 to x264” or get the SD x264 but if there is a HD720p x265 then get that.
its not. quality is sorted/grouped first and preferred words (264 vs 265) only work within a quality group (which are set in the quality profile)
your search may have found a 994mb version it liked, but it also found a 994mb version it didnt like - youd have to mouse-over the red explanation mark to double check why it didnt like the other one but it seems odd that it would have been filesize related
Thats what im after. As the 720p x265 files are smaller than the SD x264 so silly for me to get a bigger lower quality file.
I have a small download limit each month so getting the smaller file sizes makes quite a big difference.
and running out of GB’s on my NAS.
will see how this actually goes without it being the last episode on some might be able to tweak it a little better.
I might even look at doing a delay by a day or so hoping the x265 is out close enough for it to get that one.
thats black listed as i cancelled it and deleted so i could see what one it would pickup next. but it still ended up getting the 720p x264
I have found the best way to only download x265 torrents is to go to the Indexers TAB and at the bottom under the “Restrictions” section click on the “+” and create a TAG with must contain “x265” (no quotes) then edit the TV series and in the bottom “Tags” files type x265 and the tag should appear. Save it and now that TV show will only download torrents with x265 in the title. Then you do not have to mess around with profile sizes. You can also manually then look for x264 later
so I added a delay of 10 hours (600)mins hopefully it chooses the right file. does the delay wait for 10 hours after it first finds one that matches?
if it finds a x265 720p does it skip the delay since its found my highest quality?
if SD was x265 aswell then i would just do that and let it work it out but i havent seen any/many x265 SD ones. Id rather not have to manually chase everything but i guess i could add 264 to the x264 tag refresh everything and then remove it again.
yes. youll see pending jobs in the activity queue. so it will add the job to the queue but then wait 10 hours for somethign better to come along.
if it does find something better then the old job is cancelled and a new job for the better file is created. not sure if the 10 hour wait then cotinues where it left off, or restarts at zero
cheers will see how it goes.
I don’t always have my HTPC NAS on so sometimes I am the actual delay.
i was planning on having a Pi download box and then when the HTPC turned on it copied the files from there but since sonarr deals with the imports and renames and i have it already setup on the HTPC i’ll just leave it as is.