It already does execute. Unless by manual import you mean you moved the file and rescanned the series, in which case no scripts are executed (no notifications are sent either) and we don’t have plans to do that.
no, i mean i clicked on the “manual file import” button at the top of the series and imported files that i had converted to x265 (the x264 files were still there if that makes any difference).
the script is not running when you do that, and there appears to be no reference to it in the trace logs (
Ahh, I was looking for the copy/move event and missed that you’re doing if from the series page. That’s not considered a download/upgrade because it’s already in the series folder. This is expected behaviour currently and at the moment not something we plan to include in those events.
On Import, it was renamed in v3, but we didn’t touch the event names passed to custom scripts.
ah, ok, i’ll convert them to a folder outside the current structure and import them via the wanted action instead, that will help clean up the old files as well as trigger an import/download event so probably a better idea anyway.