Post processing isn't working for me on some files

I’m having an issue with post processing a download. After reading through various posts, I’ve ensured that my sabnzbd categories match to the nzbdrone download client (sab), that the folders match between sab and nzbdrone, that the downloaded file name matches the folder name, that complete download handling is enabled, that the drone factory interval is set to 0.

The activity monitor reports that the downloads in question are stuck at 100%. And I’ve already tried to force an import. I’d really like to correct this issue if I can get some help. Here is a link to my nzbdrone.txt file.


System.IO.FileNotFoundException: File doesn't exist: Z:\Media\TV\Louie.S05E01.720p.HDTV.x264-IMMERSE

Sonarr can’t access the folder (and is incorrectly trying to treat it as a file, an issue we need to fix), but the underlying issue remains.

Is Z:\ a mapped network drive? Is Sonarr running as a Windows service?

The Z drive is a flexraid storage pool local on my workstation. The file nor the folder, indeed, is not there. I ran ‘Import Existing Series From Disk’ earlier. This particular file was already post processed by sickbeard. (No, Sickbeard is not running).

To be clear nzbdrone has/does successfully post process other files. Here is a specific directory/file that I am interested in forcing a post process: Review.with.Forrest.MacNeil.S01E09.720p.HDTV.x264-2HD. Am I missing a configuration setting or something?

Some pictures:

Sab Categories:
Sonarr Download Client:

You have a few options:

  • Change the category to a new one (so old items imported by SB don’t show up in Sonarr)
  • Remove the items from that category’s history
  • Wait until 30 new items are in SAB’s history (the number of items Sonarr gets from Sonarr’s history)

Ok. So, this will fix the file not found exception. Thank you.

Is there anything to be done about forcing the processing of the stuck files that were served up by nzbdrone to sab? One thing I noticed in the log (and cross checked in sab), was that I hadn’t disabled the post processing script in sab after download and sab reported this error:

            Loading config from C:\Programs (no installer)\SickBeard\autoProcessTV\autoProcessTV.cfg

Opening URL: http://localhost:8081/home/postprocess/processEpisode?nzbName=Review.With.Forrest.MacNeil.S01E01.720p.HDTV.x264-2HD&quiet=1&dir=Z%3A%5CMedia%5CTV%5CReview.With.Forrest.MacNeil.S01E01.720p.HDTV.x264-2HD
Unable to open URL: <urlopen error [Errno 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it>

The other thing Is that I had my completed folder set to the Z: drive initially at first, and then changed this to match best practice guidelines to the folder that this file (C:\Users\Bob\Downloads\TV\Review.with.Forrest.MacNeil.S01E09.720p.HDTV.x264-2HD) resides in now.

The script error might cause Sonarr to treat it as failed, offhand I’m not sure if it will or not. But dropping them in Drone Factory should fix it.

You don’t need to set drone factory up at all and will break the automatic import with Completed Download handling.

Ok. Thanks. This did it. But it wouldn’t work until I renamed the folder from:




I’m not sure why nzbdrone would identify the series season and episode with the long name from my indexer, but then not know what to do with it afterward. Maybe it’s a bug?

Anyway, great product. The only thing left that I need to experiment with is that Donate button. :smile: