I have a question about shows numbering.
I have Star Wars Rebels in Sonarr and the season 2 has begin recently.
In Sonarr I have Season 2 with 4 episodes for now,
Episode 1 was in July and episode 2 last week (3 and 4 not aired)
The TVDb numbering is right, episode 1 is “Siege of Lothal” on newsgroup, episode 2 is “Lost commanders” etc…
But Sonarr is not searching for the right episode for example if I manually search for “Lost Commanders”, sonnar is searching for Season 2 Ep 1 which is “Siege of Lothal”.
The scene numbering is wrong
Is there a possibility to use tvdb numbering for search instead of scene numbering, my purpose is to have the right episode with the right name…
I have been looking on Xem, and the problem is there, the scene numbering indicated on xem is not corresponding to the reality… I have ask for change but they don’t seem to change anything (I have made a public ask for Fairy tail 2 month ago and nothing happens)