Port **** is already in use, please ensure NzbDrone is not already running

Sonarr version: v3
OS: Windows 10
Debug logs: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8ngnN4dg3f/
Description of issue: EPIC FAIL: Port 8989 is already in use, please ensure NzbDrone is not already running. Ive uninstalled and reinstalled switched ports via config, that works until I restart. if I try to switch back to my original port via config it doesn’t work. has plagued me since before i updated to v3. I’ve checked netsh nothing else is running on this port and given it stops working after a restart on any port i put it on I have to assume this a problem with sonarr.

Try running Sonarr as admin once first.

You may be better off editing the config file and removing the line for BindAddress (or changing it to *) since using a local IP will restrict access to Sonarr to and http://localhost:8989/ only, unless that’s what you want.

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