Plex not importing downloaded TV shows from sonarr until reboot
Debug logs: below

As the title states. This occurred after about 1 year of working fine. Radarr continues to work fine. Once I reboot the server, all files are imported without issue from sonarr to Plex. I’ve done all the simple things, like Scan Library, Optimize Database, and of course make sure sonarr is set correctly — I’ve posted about this in the Plex forums and i was directed to post here for possible help.

Sonarr seems to be working fine otherwise.

Logs below. Any help would be appreciated

20-2-12 08:18:18.3|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'filedate' defaultValue:'None'
20-2-12 08:18:18.3|Trace|EventAggregator|ConfigFileSavedEvent <~ ReconfigureLogging
20-2-12 08:18:18.3|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'downloadclientworkingfolders' defaultValue:'_UNPACK_|_FAILED_'
20-2-12 08:18:18.3|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'downloadclienthistorylimit' defaultValue:'30'
20-2-12 08:18:18.3|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'skipfreespacecheckwhenimporting' defaultValue:'False'
20-2-12 08:18:18.3|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'copyusinghardlinks' defaultValue:'True'
20-2-12 08:18:18.3|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'enablemediainfo' defaultValue:'True'
20-2-12 08:18:18.3|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'importextrafiles' defaultValue:'False'
20-2-12 08:18:18.3|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'extrafileextensions' defaultValue:'srt'
20-2-12 08:18:18.3|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'setpermissionslinux' defaultValue:'False'
20-2-12 08:18:18.3|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'filechmod' defaultValue:'0644'
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'folderchmod' defaultValue:'0755'
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'chownuser' defaultValue:''
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'chowngroup' defaultValue:''
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'firstdayofweek' defaultValue:'1'
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'calendarweekcolumnheader' defaultValue:'ddd M/D'
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'shortdateformat' defaultValue:'MMM D YYYY'
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'longdateformat' defaultValue:'dddd, MMMM D YYYY'
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'timeformat' defaultValue:'h(:mm)a'
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'showrelativedates' defaultValue:'True'
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'enablecolorimpairedmode' defaultValue:'False'
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'proxyenabled' defaultValue:'False'
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'proxytype' defaultValue:'Http'
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'proxyhostname' defaultValue:''
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'proxyport' defaultValue:'8080'
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'proxyusername' defaultValue:''
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'proxypassword' defaultValue:''
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'proxybypassfilter' defaultValue:''
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'proxybypasslocaladdresses' defaultValue:'True'
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|EventAggregator|Publishing ConfigSavedEvent
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|EventAggregator|ConfigSavedEvent ~> TaskManager
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'downloadedepisodesfolder' defaultValue:''
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'proxyenabled' defaultValue:'False'
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'rsssyncinterval' defaultValue:'15'
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'downloadedepisodesfolder' defaultValue:''
20-2-12 08:18:18.4|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'proxytype' defaultValue:'Http'
20-2-12 08:18:18.5|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'downloadedepisodesfolder' defaultValue:''
20-2-12 08:18:18.5|Trace|EventAggregator|ConfigSavedEvent <~ TaskManager
20-2-12 08:18:18.5|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'proxyhostname' defaultValue:''
20-2-12 08:18:18.5|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'proxyport' defaultValue:'8080'
20-2-12 08:18:18.5|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'proxyusername' defaultValue:''
20-2-12 08:18:18.5|Debug|SabnzbdProxy|Url:
20-2-12 08:18:18.5|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'proxypassword' defaultValue:''
20-2-12 08:18:18.5|Trace|HttpClient|Req: [GET]
20-2-12 08:18:18.5|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'proxybypassfilter' defaultValue:''
20-2-12 08:18:18.5|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'proxyenabled' defaultValue:'False'
20-2-12 08:18:18.5|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'proxybypasslocaladdresses' defaultValue:'True'
20-2-12 08:18:18.5|Trace|Http|Res: 343 [PUT] /api/config/host: 202.Accepted (332 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:18.5|Trace|HttpClient|Res: [GET] 200.OK (18 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:18.5|Debug|Api|[PUT] /api/config/host: 202.Accepted (332 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:18.5|Trace|HttpClient|Response content (8473 bytes): {"config": {"ncenter": {"ncenter_prio_startup": 1, "ncenter_prio_warning": 0, "ncenter_cats": ["*"], "ncenter_prio_new_login": 0, "ncenter_prio_queue_done": 1, "ncenter_prio_download": 0, "ncenter_prio_failed": 1, "ncenter_prio_disk_full": 1, "ncenter_prio_error": 0, "ncenter_enable": 0, "ncenter_prio_complete": 1, "ncenter_prio_pp": 0, "ncenter_prio_other": 0}, "ntfosd": {"ntfosd_prio_queue_done": 1, "ntfosd_enable": 1, "ntfosd_cats": ["*"], "ntfosd_prio_error": 0, "ntfosd_prio_startup": 1, "ntfosd_prio_complete": 1, "ntfosd_prio_pp": 0, "ntfosd_prio_warning": 0, "ntfosd_prio_other": 0, "ntfosd_prio_disk_full": 1, "ntfosd_prio_new_login": 0, "ntfosd_prio_download": 0, "ntfosd_prio_failed": 1}, "nscript": {"nscript_cats": ["*"], "nscript_prio_complete": 1, "nscript_prio_other": 0, "nscript_prio_warning": 0, "nscript_prio_queue_done": 1, "nscript_prio_failed": 1, "nscript_prio_pp": 0, "nscript_prio_new_login": 0, "nscript_script": "", "nscript_prio_download": 0, "nscript_prio_error": 0, "nscript_prio_startup": 1, "nscript_parameters": "", "nscript_enable": 0, "nscript_prio_disk_full": 1}, "pushover": {"pushover_prio_error": 1, "pushover_cats": ["*"], "pushover_prio_failed": -1, "pushover_prio_complete": -1, "pushover_prio_warning": 1, "pushover_prio_startup": -3, "pushover_prio_queue_done": -1, "pushover_prio_other": -3, "pushover_prio_pp": -3, "pushover_enable": 0, "pushover_prio_disk_full": 1, "pushover_token": "", "pushover_device": "", "pushover_emergency_expire": 3600, "pushover_prio_new_login": -3, "pushover_emergency_retry": 60, "pushover_prio_download": -2, "pushover_userkey": ""}, "misc": {"movie_rename_limit": "100M", "https_port": "8090", "folder_rename": 1, "password_file": "", "queue_complete": "", "warned_old_queue": 10, "https_key": "server.key", "cleanup_list": [], "notified_new_skin": 2, "rating_filter_enable": 0, "cache_limit": "1G", "rating_enable": 0, "fail_hopeless_jobs": 1, "par_option": "", "web_color": "Default", "inet_exposure": 0, "enable_recursive": 1, "selftest_host": "", "pre_check": 0, "replace_spaces": 0, "host_whitelist": ["d87ea5585692"], "dirscan_speed": 5, "enable_filejoin": 1, "api_key": "(removed)", "no_penalties": 0, "load_balancing": 2, "rating_filter_abort_video": 0, "osx_speed": 1, "dirscan_dir": "", "disable_api_key": 0, "quota_period": "m", "win_menu": 1, "enable_7zip": 1, "rating_filter_pause_audio": 0, "rss_filenames": 0, "password": "", "permissions": "777", "quota_day": "", "require_modern_tls": 0, "ssl_ciphers": "", "auto_disconnect": 1, "use_pickle": 0, "https_chain": "", "warn_empty_nzb": 1, "history_limit": 10, "enable_date_sorting": 0, "enable_https_verification": 1, "replace_dots": 0, "win_process_prio": 3, "ipv6_hosting": 0, "series_propercheck": 1, "rating_host": "", "movie_sort_extra": "-cd%1", "quota_size": "", "ionice": "", "enable_unzip": 1, "download_free": "10G", "movie_categories": ["movies"], "email_dir": "", "wait_ext_drive": 5, "pre_script": "None", "ipv6_servers": 1, "enable_all_par": 0, "rating_filter_pause_encrypted_confirm": 0, "email_full": 0, "enable_tsjoin": 1, "log_dir": "logs", "rating_filter_pause_encrypted": 0, "queue_limit": 20, "admin_dir": "admin", "nzb_backup_dir": "", "tv_sort_countries": 1, "date_categories": ["tv"], "ignore_empty_files": 0, "show_sysload": 2, "sfv_check": 1, "date_sort_string": "", "schedlines": [], "host": "", "ignore_unrar_dates": 0, "https_cert": "server.cert", "email_rss": 0, "sanitize_safe": 0, "req_completion_rate": 100.2, "language": "en", "movie_sort_string": "", "rating_filter_pause_spam_confirm": 0, "fixed_ports": 1, "html_login": 1, "direct_unpack_tested": 1, "api_logging": 1, "pause_on_post_processing": 0, "debug_log_decoding": 0, "allow_incomplete_nzb": 0, "rating_filter_abort_keywords": "", "enable_unrar": 1, "enable_meta": 1, "direct_unpack": 1, "url_base": "/sabnzbd", "email_account": "", "email_server": "", "converted_nzo_pickles": 1, "config_lock": 0, "quota_resume": 0, "quick_check_ext_ignore": ["nfo", "sfv", "srr"], "api_warnings": 1, "wait_for_dfolder": 0, "tv_sort_string": "", "rating_filter_abort_encrypted": 0, "rating_filter_pause_keywords": "", "warn_dupl_jobs": 1, "movie_extra_folder": 0, "web_dir": "Glitter", "no_series_dupes": 0, "rating_filter_abort_downvoted": 0, "download_dir": "/data/incomplete_downloads", "size_limit": "0", "enable_par_cleanup": 1, "safe_postproc": 1, "new_nzb_on_failure": 0, "complete_dir": "/data/complete_downloads", "x_frame_options": 1, "rating_filter_pause_downvoted": 0, "replace_illegal": 1, "rating_filter_abort_audio": 0, "nomedia_marker": "", "auto_sort": 0, "rating_filter_abort_encrypted_confirm": 0, "check_new_rel": 1, "bandwidth_max": "400M", "local_ranges": [], "enable_https": 1, "username": "", "direct_unpack_threads": 3, "no_dupes": 0, "keep_awake": 1, "top_only": 0, "osx_menu": 1, "email_from": "", "unwanted_extensions": [], "max_art_tries": 3, "rating_filter_abort_spam_confirm": 0, "email_endjob": 0, "tv_categories": [], "rss_odd_titles": ["", "", ""], "pause_on_pwrar": 1, "rating_filter_pause_spam": 0, "backup_for_duplicates": 1, "ignore_samples": 0, "overwrite_files": 0, "multipar": 0, "rss_rate": 60, "refresh_rate": 1, "sched_converted": 2, "history_retention": "0", "propagation_delay": 0, "port": "8080", "script_can_fail": 0, "script_dir": "", "bandwidth_perc": 0, "email_pwd": "", "empty_postproc": 0, "ignore_wrong_unrar": 0, "email_cats": ["*"], "nice": "", "enable_bonjour": 1, "enable_movie_sorting": 0, "flat_unpack": 0, "fast_fail": 1, "rating_filter_pause_video": 0, "max_url_retries": 10, "fsys_type": 0, "action_on_unwanted_extensions": 0, "rating_api_key": "", "reject_duplicate_files": 0, "nzb_key": "(removed)", "max_art_opt": 0, "ampm": 0, "rating_filter_abort_spam": 0, "auto_browser": 1, "start_paused": 0, "email_to": [], "queue_complete_pers": 0, "enable_tv_sorting": 0, "folder_max_length": 256}, "growl": {"growl_prio_startup": 1, "growl_enable": 0, "growl_prio_new_login": 0, "growl_prio_other": 0, "growl_prio_download": 0, "growl_server": "", "growl_prio_disk_full": 1, "growl_prio_failed": 1, "growl_prio_queue_done": 1, "growl_prio_warning": 0, "growl_prio_error": 0, "growl_prio_complete": 1, "growl_cats": ["*"], "growl_prio_pp": 0, "growl_password": ""}, "prowl": {"prowl_prio_disk_full": 1, "prowl_prio_error": -3, "prowl_prio_download": -3, "prowl_enable": 0, "prowl_prio_failed": 1, "prowl_prio_pp": -3, "prowl_cats": ["*"], "prowl_prio_new_login": -3, "prowl_apikey": "", "prowl_prio_startup": -3, "prowl_prio_warning": -3, "prowl_prio_other": -3, "prowl_prio_complete": 0, "prowl_prio_queue_done": 0}, "acenter": {"acenter_prio_pp": 0, "acenter_prio_disk_full": 1, "acenter_prio_new_login": 0, "acenter_cats": ["*"], "acenter_prio_failed": 1, "acenter_prio_download": 0, "acenter_prio_queue_done": 1, "acenter_prio_error": 0, "acenter_enable": 0, "acenter_prio_warning": 0, "acenter_prio_complete": 1, "acenter_prio_startup": 0, "acenter_prio_other": 0}, "logging": {"max_log_size": "5242880", "log_level": 1, "log_backups": 5}, "servers": [{"username": "(removed)", "priority": 0, "enable": 1, "displayname": "", "name": "", "ssl_ciphers": "", "notes": "", "connections": 20, "ssl": 0, "host": "", "timeout": 60, "ssl_verify": 2, "send_group": 0, "password": "(removed)", "optional": 0, "port": 119, "retention": 0}], "pushbullet": {"pushbullet_prio_download": 0, "pushbullet_prio_other": 0, "pushbullet_enable": 0, "pushbullet_prio_complete": 1, "pushbullet_cats": ["*"], "pushbullet_device": "", "pushbullet_prio_failed": 1, "pushbullet_apikey": "", "pushbullet_prio_warning": 0, "pushbullet_prio_startup": 0, "pushbullet_prio_new_login": 0, "pushbullet_prio_queue_done": 0, "pushbullet_prio_disk_full": 1, "pushbullet_prio_error": 0, "pushbullet_prio_pp": 0}, "categories": [{"priority": -100, "pp": "3", "name": "tv", "script": "Default", "newzbin": "", "order": 1, "dir": "tv"}, {"priority": 1, "pp": "3", "name": "movies", "script": "Default", "newzbin": "", "order": 0, "dir": "movies"}, {"priority": 0, "pp": "3", "name": "*", "script": "None", "newzbin": "", "order": 0, "dir": ""}, {"priority": -100, "pp": "3", "name": "music", "script": "Default", "newzbin": "", "order": 2, "dir": "music"}, {"priority": -100, "pp": "3", "name": "software", "script": "Default", "newzbin": "", "order": 3, "dir": "software"}]}}
20-2-12 08:18:18.5|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'proxyenabled' defaultValue:'False'
20-2-12 08:18:18.5|Trace|EventAggregator|Publishing HealthCheckCompleteEvent
20-2-12 08:18:18.5|Trace|EventAggregator|HealthCheckCompleteEvent -> HealthModule
20-2-12 08:18:18.6|Trace|EventAggregator|HealthCheckCompleteEvent <- HealthModule
20-2-12 08:18:18.6|Trace|HttpClient|Res: [GET] 200.OK (329 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:18.6|Trace|Http|Req: 344 [GET] /api/health
20-2-12 08:18:18.6|Trace|EventAggregator|Publishing HealthCheckCompleteEvent
20-2-12 08:18:18.6|Trace|Http|Res: 344 [GET] /api/health: 200.OK (8 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:18.6|Trace|EventAggregator|HealthCheckCompleteEvent -> HealthModule
20-2-12 08:18:18.6|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/health: 200.OK (8 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:18.6|Trace|EventAggregator|HealthCheckCompleteEvent <- HealthModule
20-2-12 08:18:19.0|Trace|Http|Req: 345 [GET] /api/health
20-2-12 08:18:19.0|Trace|Http|Res: 345 [GET] /api/health: 200.OK (11 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:19.0|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/health: 200.OK (11 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:24.6|Trace|Scheduler|Pending Tasks: 0
20-2-12 08:18:48.0|Trace|Http|Req: 347 [GET] /api/diskspace
20-2-12 08:18:48.0|Trace|Http|Req: 346 [GET] /api/health
20-2-12 08:18:48.0|Trace|Http|Res: 346 [GET] /api/health: 200.OK (8 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:48.0|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/health: 200.OK (8 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:48.1|Trace|Http|Req: 348 [GET] /api/health
20-2-12 08:18:48.1|Trace|Http|Res: 348 [GET] /api/health: 200.OK (4 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:48.1|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/health: 200.OK (4 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:48.2|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'downloadedepisodesfolder' defaultValue:''
20-2-12 08:18:48.3|Trace|Http|Res: 347 [GET] /api/diskspace: 200.OK (281 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:48.3|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/diskspace: 200.OK (281 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:48.4|Trace|Http|Req: 349 [GET] /api/diskspace
20-2-12 08:18:48.6|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'downloadedepisodesfolder' defaultValue:''
20-2-12 08:18:48.6|Trace|Http|Res: 349 [GET] /api/diskspace: 200.OK (262 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:48.6|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/diskspace: 200.OK (262 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:49.4|Trace|Http|Req: 350 [GET] /api/log?page=1&pageSize=50&sortKey=time&sortDir=desc&filterKey=level&filterValue=Error
20-2-12 08:18:49.5|Trace|Http|Res: 350 [GET] /api/log?page=1&pageSize=50&sortKey=time&sortDir=desc&filterKey=level&filterValue=Error: 200.OK (53 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:49.5|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/log?page=1&pageSize=50&sortKey=time&sortDir=desc&filterKey=level&filterValue=Error: 200.OK (53 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:49.6|Trace|Http|Req: 351 [GET] /api/log?page=1&pageSize=50&sortKey=time&sortDir=desc&filterKey=level&filterValue=Error
20-2-12 08:18:49.7|Trace|Http|Res: 351 [GET] /api/log?page=1&pageSize=50&sortKey=time&sortDir=desc&filterKey=level&filterValue=Error: 200.OK (19 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:49.7|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/log?page=1&pageSize=50&sortKey=time&sortDir=desc&filterKey=level&filterValue=Error: 200.OK (19 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:50.9|Trace|Http|Req: 352 [GET] /api/log/file
20-2-12 08:18:50.9|Trace|Http|Res: 352 [GET] /api/log/file: 200.OK (14 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:50.9|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/log/file: 200.OK (14 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:51.1|Trace|Http|Req: 353 [GET] /api/log/file/sonarr.trace.txt
20-2-12 08:18:51.1|Trace|Http|Res: 353 [GET] /api/log/file/sonarr.trace.txt: 200.OK (6 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:51.1|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/log/file/sonarr.trace.txt: 200.OK (6 ms)
20-2-12 08:18:53.1|Trace|Http|Req: 354 [GET] /api/log/file/sonarr.trace.txt

Sonarr at most tells Plex to rescan a folder (or the library if necessary).

Sonarr doesn’t lock files and only tells Plex to update after the import, so I don’t see why this would be a Sonarr issue.

Your log snippet doesn’t show an import which would show Sonarr’s only interaction with Plex, but I don’t see how Sonarr is related to this issue at all if Plex isn’t picking up files.

Got it. Thanks.

Yeah, that was the thing that kept bugging me was that I felt sonarr has been working just fine and Plex was the issue since Sonarr was downloading everything correctly. It’s just every time I request Plex to scan for these downloaded files, it does so for only a brief second and returns no results. Plex will however, as I mentioned above, detect all new downloads with reboot.

I guess the Plex guys reached a dead-end and punted me here since they couldn’t figure it out either.

Regardless, thanks

are plex and sonarr on different machines/containers? is it possible the drive/mapping is being lost and the reboot fixes it, until it times out and is lost again?

it really does sound like a plex issue though, not sure how sonarr would stop anything from seeing the files (it might stop them from opening a file if its in the middle of doing something with it but that wouldnt last very long)

I think you’re right!

I have a nas (unraid) which stores all files and sonarr and Radarr. Plex is running on a separate Ubuntu server. I have 3 network shares remotely mounted from the Ubuntu Plex instance to the unraid nas: /mnt/tv, /mnt/movies and /mnt/music…

This is weird: tv shows stream fine and I’m able to view them without any issue at all. But when I check all the shares in /mnt, the /tv share isn’t there! But then I run an -ls /mnt command and all three media directories are present.

Looks like when I reboot /mnt/tv is there and an ls command works fine. But after a while I lose it.

No clue how or why this is happening, since all 3 directories are located Within the same unraid share and they’re all streaming fine.


google unraid share disappeared

there appears to be a couple of reasons for it to happen, but it always seems to get logged, or end up in the diagnostics file.

you may want to find an unraid forum for better, more specific, help though.

if theres nothing on the unraid side then you can take another look on the plex side.

Thanks … will do

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