PI2 + raspbian + sonarr + lenovo NAS - Import problems

Hello experts,

I’m terribly new to Sonarr, just went for it after SickRage.
Here’s my problem : I’ve followed the guieds and installed everything from scratch:

NAS on 192.168.101
Shares: NAStorrentReady, Series
PI2 on with Transmission 9091 and Sonarr on 9898 (default ports I believe)

The download should go like this : Sonarr grabs the part, transmission downloads it and puts it into NAStorrentReady/Downloads
Then, as I understood Sonarr should import it to a share on the NAS ( Here’s the problem:

Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /mnt/pools/A/A0/NAStorrentReady/Downloads/tv/Family.Guy.S14E01.Pilling.Them.Softly.720p.WEB-DL.x264.AAA

I read everywhere that this must be a permission problem.
Now, Sonarr runs with the root user pi, the shares work perfectly if I check them with ssh and the ls -l shows rw rights everywhere

I also read the faq, which told me to use UCL shares, (that means cifs??) . Did that one too: in ssh success, when I try to add a folder with sonarr it fails… I went back to nfs then…

Should I give a remote path mapping for the torrent client? The target folder isnt local…
Any ideas?

Thanks in advance…

Got it to work. It was exactly the mapping that was missing.
I added the following mapping:

    /mnt/pools/A/A0/NAStorrentReady/Downloads/       ->        /home/pi/NAS/torrentReady/Downloads/

And that did the trick.
Moving on to notifying kodi if something finished.

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