##My Problem:
Sonarr was giving permission problems when trying to move downloaded shows into the destination folder ("Couldn’t import episode foo: Access to the path “/raid/media/Video/TV Series/bar” is denied.)
##Some background:
I am running sonarr on ubuntu server 12.04.5 LTS
sonarr is started by a standard upstart job (https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/wiki/Autostart-on-Linux)
#Set username for the process. Should probably be what you use for logging in
setuid downloader
env DIR=/opt/NzbDrone
#This is the install directory. If you installed using a deb package or the Son$
setgid allusers
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [016]
exec mono --debug $DIR/NzbDrone.exe
I run sonarr as user downloader - this user corresponds to user ID 1001
I run SABnzbget+, couchpotato, transmission, headphones etc as this user
I have an allusers group which I have added the user downloader to
My destination media folders are all 775, root:allusers
My destination media files are all 664, root:allusers
My destination filesystem is xfs
##Some investigation:
If I stop the service and run sonarr as user downloader interactively everything works fine
On running ps -eo pid,comm,euser,supgrp | grep 1001 I get this if interactive:
22399 mono 1001 debian-transmission downloader allusers
And this if started by upstart:
22823 mono 1001 -
UID and GID are set to downloader:allusers in the upstart script.
I spent a few hours trying to sort this out. I couldn’t get the group ID set corectly by upstart.
##My solution:
I eventually fixed this by changing the upstart script to:
#Set username for the process. Should probably be what you use for logging in
setuid downloader
env DIR=/opt/NzbDrone
#This is the install directory. If you installed using a deb package or the Son$
setgid allusers
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [016]
exec start-stop-daemon --start -c downloader --exec /usr/bin/mono /opt/NzbDrone.exe
Now ps -eo pid,comm,euser,supgrp | grep 1001 shows
24690 mono 1001 debian-transmission downloader allusers
And everything seems to be working the way it should.
But I feel like this is a bit hacky and I wonder if there is a better way to fix it?